Monday, July 24, 2017

Special Commands: Done and dusted!

Thanks to work by HungryTenor, with some minor extensions by myself, The Lunarian Shuffle has fixed all the characters' special commands.  This means that Twin will now work as expected (and won't be selectable when the other twin is absent), Cover will work for Paladin Cecil for all his appearances, and Edward will Auto-Hide in all of his appearances.

Also, the Cover command had been coupled to the "main character" of the game for determining the speed scale of combat.  For example, the speed run would frequently reduce Paladin Cecil's agility in various ways to make running away from fights easier.  These things are now decoupled; whoever has taken the place of Dark Knight or Paladin Cecil will now be correctly identified as the "main character," regardless of who else is in the party.

This means we get to get rid of the goofy solo casted Flare and Comet nonsense on Palom and Porom, too.

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