Thursday, July 20, 2017

Nearing completion, maybe?

Given how many major bugs I've had to fix over the past couple weeks, it feels good when a day goes by where my edits to the project involve balance more so than making things not-broken.  Today's updates included things like making FuSoYa learn his magic earlier, changing level ranges and "goodness" levels of items that turn out to be better or worse than I thought they would be before testing, and adding a "credits" entry to the information panel.

[EDIT] Perhaps I spoke too soon.  A thing I thought was a minor issue yesterday turns out to be a major pain.

In that video, I gave FuSoYa the grind fight experience, and wound up missing 3 Black spells.  I had assumed it was an error coming from the sheer number of spells I learned in that fight - perhaps the game could only store 64 learned spells between the active and shadow party members.  But no, it's worse.

PinkPuff helped me track down that the cause was a collision between the levels of learned White magic and learned Black magic.  Apparently, the game only allows a single type of spell to be learned at a given level; if you learn both Cure1 and Ice-1 at level 3, Ice-1 doesn't make it into your spell list.

This will be a major pain to fix because of the way I coded the spell list randomizer.  It goes through each element of the list, randomizes it, then moves on, without keeping any records of any sort.  I'll need a completely different procedure to identify and then resolve any collisions between two different spell lists.

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