Friday, July 14, 2017

Rat and Pink Tails

In FFIV, if you obtain the Pink Tail before the Rat Tail, the Adamant Grotto guy will ignore your Pink Tails until after you've hunted down and turned in the Rat Tail.  This was extremely unlikely in the original version of the game, but in a randomizer it starts seeming fairly likely.

I want to include the possibility of obtaining the Rat Tail and Pink Tail in chests and completing those side quests as in the normal game.  However, considering that the Rat Tail might literally not even exist in a given seed, I have to fix this bug that Square left in.

I think the answer is to make the person standing to the right ask for the Pink Tail, while the one in the center asks for the Rat Tail, and each mentions which tail they want and that their partner wants.

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